
A Question for Grandma

Product Description

A grandson spends his day at his grandmother’s. Together, they cook, mop the floor, knit, read picture books and ride the bicycle. But the grandson cannot get one question out of his mind – he keeps asking his grandmother when she will die. When Grandma takes him into her arms and tackles his question, she realizes what concerns him: he would like to spend many more holidays with her.


This picture book tackles the issue of transience in a tactful, yet humorous way. How do children understand and accept death? What does the question “Granny, when will you die?” entail? This heart-warming tale accompanied by lively and playful illustrations is a story of intergenerational symbiosis as well as of wonderful moments people can spend together and wish would never end.

Author Nina Mav Hrovat
Illustrator Marta Bartolj
Recommended age4+
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