
Pippi the Chick's Incredible Search

Product Description

Seek and you shall find – a fun chick!

Pippi the chick is a curious little chicken who explores the world inquisitively and courageously. Sometimes he finds what he’s looking for, sometimes he doesn’t, and sometimes he finds something he wasn’t even looking for. He marvels at the world, he admires it, he complains about it, and sometimes he decides that the nicest and best place to be is in the safe vicinity of Mother Hen.

Thirty fun, short, simple and transparent comics about Pippi are perfect for a child’s pioneering ventures into the world of comics. Suitable for joint reading with adults as well as for a child’s first independent reading sessions (the use of capital letters) and exploring the so-called “ninth art”.


Author Marjan Manček
Illustrator Marjan Manček
Recommended age5
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