
What Kind of Tree Grows from a Cat

Product Description
  • The Večernica Award 2013 nominee

The mysterious title hides eleven illustrated stories, told alternately by three different first person narrators, two brothers and their younger sister. The heroes face various diffculties and challenges, experience small adventures and often learn something new. In the first story they discover that work can be fun, in the second one they get a new roommate – a cat, in the third they conduct a rescue action, in the fourth they found their ownstate, in the fifth it turns out that studying pays off now and then, in the sixth they see that holidays can sometimes be difficult, in the seventh they plant potatoes and find they have no luck with them, in the eighth a homework becomes more of a home-nuisance, in the ninth they learn a new English word, in the tenth they get a new family member, and in the eleventh they declare war on fleas.

Text in English available upon request.


Author Nataša Konc Lorenzutti
Illustrator Ana Zavadlav
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