
Stories from the Duchy of Carniola: Witch Hunt

Product Description

A superb book and book series for both history buffs and adventure lovers alike.

Martin is a servant of the famous Janez Vajkard Valvasor. In the first part of the new book series, we learn about life at Bogenšperk Castle, where a gathering of numerous scholars and craftsmen is taking place. Their work is interrupted by the news of an escaped witch. Soon after, the cook’s daughter Katarina disappears. The men organise a search party. Only Martin sets off on his own ...

After the extremely successful book series Stories from the End of the Stone Age, which takes place in the time of pile dwellers, Sebastijan Pregelj delivers another masterpiece. Set in the time of Valvasor and loosely based on historic events, the work is highly imaginative and packed with exhilarating adventure.

Author Sebastijan Pregelj
Illustrator Jure Engelsberger
Recommended age8
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