
Ultimate Freedom

Product Description

“Some of them held up a mirror, others gave me smack over the head, some sailed on the same river, albeit against the current ... but they were all there when I needed them most.”

A novel about a traveller who is trapped on the Solomon Islands due to cancelled flights at the onset of a global pandemic. Alone. In a tropical paradise. Among unknown people and their customs. Left to her own ingenuity. She survives a tropical cyclone on the islands, experiences a murder among the aborigines, climbs Uluru just before it’s closed, dives with sharks and in the middle of the Australian wilderness, under a thousand stars in the vast sky, goes into the depths of her being. She embraces her vulnerability and discovers the infinite strength in freedom.

English translation available

Author Anja Kovačič
Recommended ageadults
Technical Data
Page count 448 pages
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