
Final Answer

Product Description

A story about searching for one’s gender identity – a harsh, sometimes painful introspection hidden under a veil of humour.

If the matura exams (A-Levels) and enrolment to university represent a kind of rite of passage for his friends, David’s path to maturity means facing his demons. While trying to convince himself that he is like everyone else, his attractions lie elsewhere. His cocky demeanour is but a façade, for he is hiding the fact that he likes boys. Instead of chasing after girls, he’s much more interested in finding out how far up the sleeve does his male biology teacher’s tattoo go. Will his friends shun him? What will his mother—whose recent divorce has forced her to take a closer interest in her son and his future—say? The cycle of four seasons, which is how long the narrative of the novel lasts, ultimately gives meaning to David’s turbulent journey to maturity and consequently brings more stability to his life. He replaces experimentation for choice, a phase for stability. Now he knows. David finally puts himself, his beliefs, and his happiness first.

Author Petja Rijavec
Recommended ageadults
Technical Data
Page count 288 pages
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