Cvetka Sokolov


Cvetka Sokolov (1963) writes for children and young adults. She started off as a translator from German and English. Her picture books depict everyday events that bring small joys to children but also distress that children can overcome with the help of adults. Her picture books Rdeča hiša (Red House) and Ah, ti zdravniki! (Oh, Those Doctors!), both illustrated by Peter Škerl, were nominated for the award for the best original Slovene picture book in 2005 and 2008, respectively. In 2008, her picture books Ah, ti zdravniki! and Ponoči nikoli ne veš (You Never Know at Night) were translated to Danish; Ponoči nikoli ne veš was also translated to Catalan and Spanish the same year. Her first young adult novel, Kar ne ubije (What Doesn’t Kill You; 2013), was nominated for the Modra ptica (Blue Bird) award. She has also written several screenplays for the children’s show Zajček Bine (Bine the Bunny). In 2016, she joined the Lahkonočnice (Bedtime Stories) project, contributing numerous tales.

  • 2005 – Nominacija za nagrado izvirna slovenska slikanica za delo Rdeča hiša
  • 2008 – Nominacija za nagrado izvirna slovenska slikanica za delo Ah, ti zdravniki!
  • 2013 – Finalistka za nagrado modra ptica za delo Kar ne ubije


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