Tina Arnuš Pupis


Tina Arnuš Pupis (1982), a university graduate in Social Pedagogy, embarked on her writing career in 2016 by participating in the Spirala Writing Contest. Her debut work titled Za devetimi drevesi (In a Faraway Forest) was published shortly after and was included in the White Ravens Collection by the International Youth Library in Munich.

Her poetry and prose have been published in Slovenian children's magazines such as Ciciban, Cicido and Galeb. From time to time, she also writes adult poetry.

She loves nature, animals, rhymes, word games and inspirational words of wisdoms spiced up with a touch of humour. And what she loves most is to combine all this in her literary works.  


2016 uvrstitev v izbor prispevkov na anonimnem literarnem tečaju Spirala, Slovenske Konjice

2018 White Ravens  (Bele vrane), delo: Za devetimi drevesi

2020 uvrstitev v izbor prispevkov na anonimnem literarnem natečaju spirala, Slovenske Konjice

2021 nominacija za nagrado Večernica za delo Na gozdni južini

2021 znak kakovosti zlata hruška za delo Na gozdni južini

2021 uvrstitev v izbor prispevkov na anonimnem literarnem natečaju RTV SLO za izvirno slovensko pravljico (oddaja Lahko noč, otroci, Radio Prvi)

2023 nominacija za nagrado Desetnica za delo Nad gozdom se nekaj svetlika

2024 doc. dr. Ines Voršič: »Kra-sno: Leksikalna kreativnost v mladinski književnosti Tine Arnuš Pupis«; prispevek na 7. mednarodni konferenci: Slavistični znanstveni premisleki


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